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2016 Drivers

1. Tony Seidelman 1,180

2. Shawn Breitzman 997

3. Sawyer Lind 633

4. Skeeter Flake 588

5. Troy Globe 573

6. Bill Beasley 339

6. Ron Jones 339

7. Kevin Koepke 248

8. Bobby Bird 227

9. Lee St. John 213

11. Bobby Dempsey 163

12. Keith Davidson 150

13. Aaron Willison 145

14. Garrett Thomas 138

15. Wayne Goodwin 108

2016 Owners

1. Randy Manners 1,180

2. Glen Seidelman 997

3. Don Lind 633

4. Carl Peter 588

5. Brian Globe 573

6. Hondo Debakker 351

7. Bill Beasley 339

8. Keith Davidson (#7) 339

9. Allen Dixon (#44) 248

10. Bobby Bird 227

11. Allen Dixon (#51) 163

12. Keith Davidson 150

13. Wayne Goodwin (#94) 145

14. Wayne Goodwin (#95) 108

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